Occasionally, if I have some extra free time or I get inspired, I like to build things. Things probably focused around search, some Excel trickery, Google Analytics, or some kind of rock climbing resource.
I hope to add to this as much as possible, but for now, here’s what I’ve done so far:
1) 9 Month Rock Climbing Training Schedule: This is a piggyback off of a resource in Climbing magazine, written by Ally Rainey. I took her article and made an interactive schedule out of it. Download it, fill in your goal, and print out monthly checklists!
2) Search Engines: The Past, Present, and Future: A 3 part series on search engines that I pasted together into one big resource. Read about where Google came from and where it’s going!
3) Advanced Searching: Tips & Tricks for Making Your Google Experience Better: A 2 part series on the filters and custom “operators” you can use while searching Google. They will help you find better results faster and easier. Another advantage is that it requires little to no technical skills–anyone can do it!